Sales and proposals tips for technology companies

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Need help with an NSF application?

It’s me, Javi, the BizCusp lead consultant. Just some notes:

#1 If AI in proposals is something that interests you, I go deep dive with particular use cases here: DeepRFP/blog, such as, for example, executive summariescompliance matrices, outlines, color teams, assessments, and more. It is also where you can try 20+ AI bidding tools and agents for free.

#2 I talk proposals twice a week with 4000+ professionals here: Of course, we discuss tech & AI, but also a bunch of bidding tipscareer insightsstoriesideas, and other good stuff. Join us!

#3 Also, just in case you happen to be looking for an SBIR NSF Project Pitch or NSF Proposal, I've launched this unique AI-powered & Expert-guided service to write those applications for you: NSF Proposals >>