B2B Technical Sales for a Telecommunications Infrastructure Company - US and Brazil

  • Scope: company analysis, custom B2B technical sales strategy, sales pipeline management system set up, test and development of different sales channels, and ongoing sales effort including prospecting, leads generation and deals closing.
  • Industry: telecommunications. The US and Brazil.
  • Targets: private large and medium-sized companies.
  • Results: strong and sustainable growth.
Client's public feedback:


Javier it's a very seasoned business developer, and helped us to increase our sales budget, prospecting with a different approach. Also helped us to improve our sales method to participate in public BIDs with U.S government.

Unlock Your Potential in B2B

B2B Technical Sales as a service:

BizCusp - B2B Technical Sales Service - Worldwide
  • Discover what truly works in sales for your company
  • Take advantage of world-class know-how and advanced tools
  • Implement a repeatable, predictable, and scalable sales model
  • SW and IT
  • Telecommunications
  • Professional Services
  • Aerospace
  • Drones & UAVs
  • Engineering & Construction
  • Biotechnology
  • Healthcare
  • Research & Development